Dear SEESA Member,
In-between warm and cool days, garden harvesting has begun. Tomatoes, Swiss chard, carrots, onions, garlic, cabbage, corn…you name it, it’s being picked. Sauerkraut making is on the go to, as well as pickles, chutney, jams and jellies. I heard someone the other day talking about using their green tomatoes to make vegetarian curry. Sounds so delicious!
COVID 19 Update
Are we still at risk for getting COVID-19? YES, and in particular, with school outbreaks happening. People over 60 years of age along with people with preexisting health conditions, which includes chronic lung disease, asthma, heart conditions, obesity, diabetes, kidney disease or liver disease, are at higher risk for serious illness. This is why it is important to take extra precaution during this time and use every precaution including washing hands frequently, wearing a mask, avoiding large crowds, shopping during seniors’ shopping hours, visiting outdoors when possible and ensuring a safe physical distance of 2 metres between yourself and others.
Enough about that; let’s focus on the good news, of which there is plenty.
SEESA’s 2021 – 2025 Strategic Plan is posted on the website! Copies are available at the SEESA office. Please call ahead to pick one up, to make sure there is someone available.
Thank you to everyone who provided input and suggestions!
The Operational Plan, which details how the work will get done, is now under development and should be ready by mid October.
Collaboration Announcement
It is my pleasure to inform you of a new collaboration between the South East Edmonton Seniors Association (SEESA) and Millwoods Seniors Association (MWSA). The collaboration will focus on creating opportunities to benefit our respective members and the broader southeast Edmonton Community. A plan detailing this effort will be available by the end of November, 2020.
SEESA is Online
Monday September 14th marked the day when SEESA launched 28 classes online. Many of our favourite instructors are back with the classes you love. I encourage you to sign up! It may feel weird at first but so does everything. Eventually we begin wondering how we managed without it.
ZOOM Lets Talk! Chats are on the website calendar for easy registration. Join in for some lively debate and conversation…maybe even a bit of gossip! Go to to see the schedule and join your friends and neighbours with SEESA online.
Speaking of which, I will be hosting a Let’s Talk session on Tuesday, September 29 at 1:00pm and Wednesday, September 30th at 10:00am. Questions or comments regarding the Strategic Plan are welcomed and encouraged!
Wheelchair Accessibility
The SEESA team is using this ‘down time’ to complete a number of long overdue items, including what to do with the $16,000 wheelchair lift that was purchased in 2011. The lift was purchased with the intention of ensuring stage access for all members but after one use, it was stored away and never brought out again. This week we had a technician from the manufacturing company come check things out and discovered the lift to be in perfect working order. This key issue, we believe, is keeping the lift in storage so every time it’s needed it has to be moved out of storage – no easy task.
The solution we’ve landed on, for now, is to store the lift by the wall closest to the stage. Peggy and I were able to roll it from there over to the stage with no problem. It then takes about 30 seconds to lift a chair up onto the stage. This can all be done a few minutes in advance of whatever event is going on in the gym.
The other two options we are exploring is #1) having the lift retro-fitted into one of the rooms adjacent to the stage and #2) replacing the lift with one that attaches to the stage stairs. The cost of these two options is prohibitive at this time, so we are sticking with the solution described above, at least for now.
Membership Renewal
Starting November 1st, SEESA membership renewal will be online. More details will follow once we confirm the process. We don’t know when we’ll be able to get back together in our facility but we are hoping that members will want to remain part of the SEESA community and will do so by renewing their membership. Let’s stay together, everyone!
Sharing Your Life Story
There is interest growing with this project! Stay tuned and don’t forget to contact SEESA if you are willing to share your story and/or if you are willing to serve as a ‘cub reporter’ to interview and document life stories.
Team Work
I want to take this opportunity to describe for you the current team culture (meaning how individuals act with each other) at SEESA. Often, when organizations go through times of difficulty, such as what SEESA is experiencing right now, things can become chaotic, unfocused and unproductive.
What I see and experience every day working alongside SEESA team members
(meaning staff, board members, committee members, contract staff, other volunteers) is exactly the opposite. These individuals are 100% focused and committed to working as a team to evolve SEESA into an organization that is viable, relevant and accountable.
From a personal perspective, I find it a privilege and an absolute joy being part of the team. I am proud to serve SEESA.
Cheers…JudyLynn Archer, Acting President, on behalf of the SEESA Board of Directors